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Personal stats

1  Fluffeh
Last talked: Yesterday 22:44
Visits: 393
Status: Operator
Lines: 343948
Active days: 2578/3364
Average lines per day: 133
Average letters per line: 64.8
Has given ops 66218 times
Has kicked out 1105 people
Has been kicked out 1 times
Number of descriptions: 7312
Topics set: 169
Question ratio: 27%
Exclamation ratio: 28%
Chatkills: 201
Number of nicks used: 14
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  21.6- 28.6-  
The latest lines
Yesterday 22:31<Fluffeh> Recently connected to #invaders mumble: D.om
22:43<Fluffeh> Recently connected to #invaders mumble: M.ezz
22:44<Fluffeh> inv mumble :: mumble-3.verygames.net:51448 :: Connected: F.luffeh M.orf w.ebvictim t.riobot c.huuuu M.ezz
2 Smesh
Last talked: Yesterday 22:23
Visits: 5790
Status: Operator
Lines: 293075
Active days: 2523/3364
Average lines per day: 116
Average letters per line: 17.6
Has given ops 947 times
Has kicked out 139 people
Has been kicked out 394 times
Number of descriptions: 3030
Topics set: 916
Question ratio: 8.8%
Chatkills: 20
Number of nicks used: 95
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  21.6- 28.6-  
The latest lines
Yesterday 22:18<Smesh> don't tell him the world cup scores
22:18<Smesh> ohhi trio
22:18<Smesh> gn mark
22:23<Smesh> it's always chu that has problems :p
3 Chu3y^afk
Last talked: Today 1:50
Visits: 3142
Status: Operator
Lines: 131294
Active days: 1430/3364
Average lines per day: 92
Average letters per line: 15.8
Has given ops 194 times
Has kicked out 28 people
Has been kicked out 103 times
Number of descriptions: 1184
Topics set: 400
CAPS ratio: 0.7%
Question ratio: 7.8%
Exclamation ratio: 0.6%
Chatkills: 12
Number of nicks used: 89
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  21.6- 28.6-  
The latest lines
Today 1:50<Chu^afk> remind Morf, Smesh http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=webvictim
1:50<Chu^afk> fs
1:50<Chu^afk> remind Smesh http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=webvictim
4 morf
Last talked: Yesterday 22:21
Visits: 2182
Status: Operator
Lines: 112577
Active days: 1447/3364
Average lines per day: 78
Average letters per line: 24.3
Has given ops 14 times
Has kicked out 13 people
Has been kicked out 71 times
Number of descriptions: 558
Topics set: 103
CAPS ratio: 1.1%
Question ratio: 9.5%
Exclamation ratio: 1.0%
Chatkills: 5
Number of nicks used: 44
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  21.6- 28.6-  
The latest lines
Yesterday 22:15<morf> lets play
22:15<morf> il come on
22:15<morf> now.
22:16<morf> lol
22:16<morf> im gonna go get a drink anyway, brb
22:21<morf> ENGLAND LOST?
22:21<morf> ahem.
Today 0:07*** morf has quit IRC (Quit: Morf be chillin - IceChat style)
5 fallen_tree
Last talked: 30.6 11:35
Visits: 2808
Status: Operator
Lines: 102451
Active days: 1275/3364
Average lines per day: 80
Average letters per line: 19.3
Has given ops 89 times
Has kicked out 8 people
Has been kicked out 28 times
Number of descriptions: 1335
Topics set: 26
Question ratio: 8.4%
Exclamation ratio: 0.8%
Chatkills: 7
Number of nicks used: 5
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  21.6- 28.6-  
The latest lines
30.6 11:33<fallen_tree> something to aim for?? :p
11:35<fallen_tree> mezz's answer to everything :p
12:52*** fallen_tree has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
6 Kane1|Aweh
Last talked: Yesterday 22:44
Visits: 3828
Status: Operator
Lines: 101757
Active days: 1612/3364
Average lines per day: 63
Average letters per line: 21.4
Has given ops 50 times
Has kicked out 38 people
Has been kicked out 102 times
Number of descriptions: 1543
Topics set: 126
Question ratio: 13%
Exclamation ratio: 1.7%
Chatkills: 4
Number of nicks used: 129
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  21.6- 28.6-  
The latest lines
Yesterday 18:57<Dom> "well, lets see robot chicken top that one"
18:58<Dom> "well i've got another one for you. It's called without a paddle"
19:21<Dom> after dinner
19:21<Dom> in an hour or so?
22:44<Dom> night
22:44*** Dom has quit IRC (Quit)
7 Viper
Last talked: 8.9.2009 1:06
Visits: 1228
Status: Operator
Lines: 67196
Active days: 551/3364
Average lines per day: 122
Average letters per line: 17.0
Has given ops 56 times
Has kicked out 164 people
Has been kicked out 172 times
Number of descriptions: 1282
Topics set: 142
Question ratio: 8.0%
Exclamation ratio: 1.0%
Chatkills: 21
Number of nicks used: 118
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
15.9.2009 13:10*** Viper|Work has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
18:25*** Viper|Work has joined #invaders
23:15*** Viper is now known as Viper|ZZZzzz
16.9.2009 7:01*** Viper is now known as Viper|Work
13:15*** Viper|Work has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
17:15*** Viper|Work has joined #invaders
22:59*** Viper is now known as Viper|ZZZzzz
17.9.2009 12:19*** Viper|Work has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
17:27*** Viper has joined #invaders
17:32*** Viper has left #invaders (Left all channels)
8 ^Demon^
Last talked: 9.6.2008 20:15
Visits: 2135
Status: Operator
Lines: 65586
Active days: 695/3364
Average lines per day: 94
Average letters per line: 18.7
Has given ops 235 times
Has kicked out 105 people
Has been kicked out 162 times
Number of descriptions: 1106
Topics set: 166
CAPS ratio: 0.9%
Question ratio: 6.9%
Exclamation ratio: 0.8%
Chatkills: 17
Number of nicks used: 32
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
9.6.2008 20:13<^Demon^> i reckon u can still get hold of one
20:14<^Demon^> ffodesi
20:15<^Demon^> i am mr funny pants
20:15<^Demon^> and now i am mr dinner pants
20:15<^Demon^> back in a bit
20:15<^Demon^> always
21:51*** ^Demon^ has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
9 Lawson
Last talked: Yesterday 19:34
Visits: 2121
Status: Operator
Lines: 64050
Active days: 1234/3364
Average lines per day: 52
Average letters per line: 26.8
Has given ops 11 times
Has kicked out 1 people
Has been kicked out 6 times
Number of descriptions: 1071
Topics set: 30
Question ratio: 10%
Exclamation ratio: 0.7%
Chatkills: 4
Number of nicks used: 24
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  21.6- 28.6-  
The latest lines
Yesterday 19:29*** Lawson has joined #invaders
19:30<Lawson> hey chu
19:30<Lawson> hey trio
19:30<Lawson> hi gang
19:30<Lawson> all having a good day?
19:33<Lawson> I'm not, no
19:33<Lawson> why?
19:34<Lawson> lol
19:34<Lawson> I'm fine thanks chu
Today 1:30*** Lawson has quit IRC (Quit: Captain Hammer: "It's curtains for you, Dr. Horrible. Lacy, gently wafting, curtains.")
10 V|per
Last talked: 7.8.2008 10:57
Visits: 554
Status: Operator
Lines: 58850
Active days: 284/3364
Average lines per day: 207
Average letters per line: 14.5
Has given ops 14 times
Has kicked out 80 people
Has been kicked out 133 times
Number of descriptions: 873
Topics set: 80
Question ratio: 5.4%
Exclamation ratio: 0.9%
Chatkills: 11
Number of nicks used: 31
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
7.8.2008 10:54<V|per> Jennifer Morrison = http://eresungeek.com/blog/wp-content/photos/jennifer_morris on_mar9_9.jpg
10:57<V|per> =o
10:57<V|per> happy birthday t man
15:29*** V|per has quit IRC (Quit: And remember, if at first you don't succeed, you fail.)

Top 10 quoting people

  Nick Lines Written Random Quote
1 Stats  10332 "[global stat] Channels: 1, nick: RandomYr12Girl. Lines: 7476, words per line: 4.06...."
2 Smesh  2649 "[09:03:33] <Xer_Xes> late all"
3 PBOT  1594 "[8:20] TFD-Xan-Ely-GII = GREEN[BULL] Score: 724,142,166~722,232,968~714,791,..."
4 Fluffeh  1464 "<cassius_clay13> and there's this guy in there taking a shit"
5 Chu3y^afk  1128 "[23:59:40] <@Gaspode> ta"
6 Mit  745 "<Spinner> There has been some complications"
7 morf  666 "[ 01:07:14 ]  [ @Smesh|Away ] gnight lightweight"
8 ^Demon^  461 "[21:32:30] <Chu3y> !triviaping"
9 Viper  392 "<Burger> That's 5 units. As in 2 n half pints."
10 Kane1|Aweh  310 "<@Smesh> she doesnt use irc"

Top 10 slappers

  Nick Lines Written Random Quote
1 Smesh  338 "* Smesh|Away slaps XyXmokin around a bit with a large trout"
2 Chu3y^afk  211 "* Chu3y slaps fluffybot around a bit with a large, smelly, hairy, slimey radioactive trout with 3 eyes"
3 RandomYr12girl  190 "* RandomYr12Girl slaps David around a bit with a large trout"
4 Kane1|Aweh  165 "* Kane1 slaps ^Laughie^ around a bit with a large trout"
5 Viper  129 "* [NRK]Viper slaps Smesh|Away around a bit with a large trout"
6 V|per  126 "* V|per slaps Yen around a bit with a large trout"
7 xplizit  72 "* xplizit slaps Blav"
8 Mit  70 "* Iorek slaps a trout with a large wet V|per"
9 webvictim  60 "* webvictim slaps Dom|Work around with a massive trout"
10 H0lly  54 "* H0lly slaps ^Demon^ around a bit with a large trout"

Top 10 stats freaks

  Nick Lines Written Random Quote
1 Fluffeh  1767 "Stats updated: http://www.smesh.co.uk/invaders/stats/invaders.html"
2 Fluff`v2  260 "Top10(words): 1. Fluffeh(80526) 2. Smesh(22916) 3. Chu3y(10096) 4. V|per(9751) 5. Happyrock..."
3 Smesh  219 "it didn't remember my heavy stats >:("
4 Mit  115 "http://www.timigoe.dns2go.com/pathingy/unistats.asp <-- a page u requested"
5 Stats  111 "Info on An|Razor: * #invaders (1104) * #angel (188) * #vai (41) * #MoRpHy (33) * #Red (25)..."
6 ^Demon^  106 "14[System Stats] CPU, OS & Uptimes:7 1-AMD , 1533MHz, 256KB 14running7 Windows..."
7 ^_^  98 "so it's not in stats"
8 Kane1|Aweh  84 "i have stats ignored"
9 morf  79 "http://uwe-clan.hlstatsx.com/hlstats.php?mode=players&game=tf"
10 V|per  68 "whats that got to do with being banned from stats?"

Big Numbers

Smesh couldn't decide whether to come or go and he joined #invaders 5790 times during this reporting period...
Fluffeh liked talking about himself - 7312 descriptions altogether.
 [20:35:31] * Fluffeh 11gives 9V|per11 a high five for getting 095011 wins! Way to go 9V|per11 !
The evil guard of #invaders was Fluffeh who got this reputation after kicking out 1105 people.
 [21:59:32] <Cre> yes yes YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!! GO CRE!! IT'S UR B-DAY!!
[22:00:45] *** Cre was kicked by Fluffeh (4u r teh weakest retard, goodbye 12Banned for 10 mins 12Kick number 793)

Also Fluff`v2 tried to look cool by kicking out 367 people.

Smesh had a problem with authority and got booted out 394 times.
 [00:32:24] <Smesh> nn h
[03:30:37] *** You were kicked by Viper (Fluffeh)

Viper was thrown out just 172 times.

Fluffeh knew exactly what to say, mentioning "Flood" 75 times.
The loudest one was Frozen_Fighter with yell percentage of 39%!

The second loudest on the block: Scubby - 38% with high volume!

Fluffeh gave the most ops - actually 66218 of them.

CIA couldn't handle the responsibility and had to be deopped 2269 times.
Fishmozis was either being philosophical or just plain clueless - 47% of lines contained questions.

Emperor_Mike was also looking for answers with a question ratio of 38%.

The conversation-killer award goes to Fluffeh whose final comment caused 201 conversations to end suddenly.
This line stopped chat for 9 minutes (the previous conversation lasted 8 minutes):
 [16:07:23] <Fluffeh> 1207Current champ: 1207... 12Smesh 07is leading the pack: 121225 07wins ; 2:Viper-911 ; 3:Viper-911 ; 4:[PGA]lordmagus-894 ; 5:^Razor^-608 ; 6:kiithid-472 ; 7:Anarchy-385 ; 8:Mit-382 ; 9:An|Sam-317 ; 10:^Demon^-294!. 07Record streak: 128 07held by, 12Smesh. 07Record time: 121.763 07held by, 12Smesh.
Fluffeh spoke the most monologues - he wrote over 5 lines in a row 3973 times...

morf also liked talking to himself - caught on camera 1746 times.

Stats was unsure where to put the full stop, averaging 147 letters per line.

Average line length on #invaders was 20 letters.

484 net splits were detected during the reporting period - on average that is 1.01 splits per week

Most splits per day: 7 splits on 12.3.2002

Longest net split occurred on 29.5.2001 22:18 and lasted for 1488 h 17 min (2 people dropped during this split)

The most people (17) dropped on 19.10.2002 14:13. This split lasted for 5 min.
People with the most nicknames (still haven't found the best one, PBOT...)
PBOT414 Nicks PBOT(99%), PBOT81129(0.1%), Pbotty(0.1%), PBOT60612(0.1%), PBOT46994(0.0%), PBOT33926(0.0%), PBOT87978(0.0%), PBOT90069(0.0%), PBOT74155(0.0%), PBOT32589(0.0%), PBOT47973(0.0%), PBOT41320(0.0%), PBOT17274(0.0%), pbot4(0.0%), PBOT825934177(0.0%), PBOT88876(0.0%), PBOT83603(0.0%), PBOT24165(0.0%), PBOT25792(0.0%), PBOT31144(0.0%), PBOT43541(0.0%), PBOT68643...
^_^140 Nicks ^_^(96%), ^_^`(1.1%), ^_^|gone(0.2%), ^_^|RippingDivx(0.2%), ^_^|news(0.1%), ^_^|gf(0.1%), ^_^|campus(0.1%), ^_^|AFK(0.1%), ^_^|WotLK(0.1%), ^_^|foods(0.1%), ^_^|sore_ass(0.1%), ^_^|hospital(0.1%), ^_^|eat_food(0.1%), ^_^|coursework(0.1%), ^_^|Idl0rs(0.1%), ^_^|eat(0.1%), ^_^|starbucks(0.0%), ^_^2(0.0%), ^_^|Uni(0.0%), ^_^|ignorestats(0.0%), ^_^|work(0.0%), ^_^|uni_roided(0.0%), ^_^|poorlycompu...
Kane1|Aweh129 Nicks Kane1|Aweh(52%), Kane1(20%), Dom|Work(8.1%), Kane1|Work(5.5%), Kane(4.1%), Dom(3.4%), Kane1|phone(1.5%), Kane1|HWK(0.4%), Dom|Phone(0.4%), Dom|Aweh(0.3%), Kane2(0.3%), kAne1|GAME(0.2%), Kane1|Laptop(0.2%), Kane2|Aweh(0.1%), Kane`|Aweh(0.1%), Kane1|Pdoff(0.1%), Kane1|Upset(0.1%), Kane1|Home(0.1%), Kane1|away(0.1%), Kane1|Uni(0.1%), domtree(0.1%), Kane|ZZzzZZ(0.1%...
Mit124 Nicks Mit(76%), Mit[Offline](8.5%), Mit|Work(4.1%), Mit|AWAY(2.5%), Mit|Coding(1.6%), Iorek(1.4%), Iorek|BUSY(1.1%), Iorek|Terra(0.7%), Mit|About(0.3%), Mit|Busy(0.3%), Iorek|About(0.3%), Mit[Holly](0.2%), Mit|Out|BBSoon(0.2%), Mit|Code(0.1%), Iorek|BBL(0.1%), Iorek[About](0.1%), Mit|BRB(0.1%), Iorek[BUSY](0.1%), Mit|8051(0.1%), Mit|Revising(0.1%), Mit|Working(0.1%), Iorek|Around(0.1%), Mit|Revision(0.1%)...
Viper118 Nicks Viper(70%), Viper|away(7.9%), [NRK]Viper(7.9%), [DNA]Viper(4.6%), Viper|Work(1.6%), Viper|ZZZzzz(1.4%), Viper|Lab(1.0%), WoD|Viper(0.8%), Viper|Exam(0.5%), Debbie|Viper(0.5%), Viper_is_Female(0.5%), Viper|Stoned(0.4%), [GLi]Viper(0.3%), [14]Viper(0.3%), Viper|pm(0.2%), Viper|brb(0.2%), Viper|gf4(0.2%), Viper1405(0.1%), Viper|Q3(0.1%), Viper_for_a_bit(0.1%), Viper|prunk(0.1%), Viper|out(0.1%...

Chat partners

People who like talking to each other

1 Chu3y^afkSmesh
2 morfSmesh
3 SmeshFluffeh
4 Smesh^Demon^
5 Smeshfallen_tree
6 SmeshKane1|Aweh
7 SmeshLawson
8 SmeshMit
9 Kane1|Awehfallen_tree
10 LADSmesh

Activity distribution

8/2009 - 7/2010

Lines per day Number of days
1 (0.3%)
0 (0%)
1 (0.3%)
1 (0.3%)
3 (0.9%)
5 (1.5%)
8 (2.4%)
18 (5.3%)
35 (10%)
43 (13%)
80 (24%)
70 (21%)
56 (16%)
15 (4.4%)
4 (1.2%)

Popular words in #invaders:

Count Word Last used by At
35977 "07Current" Fluffeh 11.3.2005 19:51
24124 "07Times" Fluffeh 11.3.2005 19:50
11040 "updated" Fluffeh Yesterday 4:00
11008 "WPM:9" Fluffeh Yesterday 8:20
11008 "Streak:9" Fluffeh Yesterday 8:20
11008 "Time:9" Fluffeh Yesterday 8:20
10121 "Rank:9" Fluffeh Yesterday 8:20
10005 "11Current" Fluffeh Yesterday 8:20
10004 "11Winner:9" Fluffeh Yesterday 8:20
10004 "Points:9" Fluffeh Yesterday 8:20

Most referred nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
36910 "Smesh" Chu3y^afk Today 1:50
13877 "Chu3y^afk" Smesh Yesterday 22:23
10602 "Kane1|Aweh" Fluffeh Yesterday 21:04
10568 "morf" Chu3y^afk Today 1:50
7795 "Wol" RandomYr12girl 1.7 14:43

These people have a distinctive choice of words...
Count Nick Randomly selected sample (amount)
7872 Fluffeh "12Burgin"(454), "repulser"(8), "italy11"(18), "blu_____"(5), "12peter"(8), ...
641 Fluff`v2 "Away06"(24), "MILHOUS"(6), "_U__ETS"(4), "_E__OLE"(4), "SHOEMAKER"(6), ...
304 Smesh "Jµ§Tí©ë"(8), "sweatty"(5), "euchlid"(4), "atttack"(3), "shunned"(3), "busking"(3), ...
217 Kane1|Aweh "sumwear"(5), "smesher"(5), "terrable"(8), "dooooin"(4), "hammard"(3), "activly"(3), ...
190 morf "crazily"(5), "caselaw"(3), "multi-ing"(10), "critting"(4), "dualcore"(3), "occassion"(5), ...
170 Chu3y^afk "10Username"(24), "pigglet"(4), "GOOOOOO"(3), "dayummmm"(3), "disapoint"(5), ...
159 Stats "Xsagaroth"(48), "Tekershee"(17), "*#satan"(9), "#nagash"(6), "#dragonslair"(40), ...
115 ^Demon^ "anarchi"(3), "famouse"(3), "somefink"(4), "biatchin"(3), "within7"(8), "585.28MB"(28), ...
114 Lawson "yerself"(5), "shankly"(5), "maralyn"(5), "Darkest"(4), "Thaksin"(4), "needsbe"(3), ...
111 V|per "luverly"(15), "righteh"(10), "upsidown"(8), "12VVVV1"(18), "stewert"(3), "*kicked"(3), ...

These pairs like to talk in their own special language
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample (amount)
211 Fluffeh and Smesh "Hiigara"(22), "rathbone"(46), "astronaut"(18), "03mORPHY"(100), "Hemingway"(13), ...
124 Smesh and morf "haxxxxx"(5), "SIZZLERS"(8), "alwight"(4), "roadhead"(7), "krobako"(3), "laziest"(3), ...
124 Smesh and Chu3y^afk "gayardo"(8), "tututut"(4), "mangled"(3), "watafag"(3), "stalkin"(3), "Death_Master"(18), ...
95 Fluffeh and morf "roberta"(58), "fensive"(16), "12Mebbe"(96), "gardeners"(16), "edmunds"(5), "biggies"(3), ...
84 Fluffeh and Chu3y^afk "barkley"(67), "ch_____"(38), "*mumble*"(28), "LEPPARD"(11), "artist/band"(145), ...
83 Smesh and Lawson "bouncey"(12), "tangent"(8), "bye-bye"(9), "henchoz"(6), "wheater"(4), "pharell"(3), ...
83 Smesh and ^Demon^ "faceless"(19), "1HHHHH1"(83), "Goelite"(8), "neilson"(7), "piccard"(7), "yourbot"(3), ...
79 Fluffeh and Lawson "depicted"(70), "fast-food"(74), "separating"(77), "swimmer"(6), "evident"(5), ...
79 Fluffeh and Viper "cultivated"(81), "defamation"(121), "drifters"(12), "peerage"(7), "Argantius"(13), ...
77 morf and Lawson "fair-dos"(25), "Higuain"(9), "slumped"(4), "captaincy"(10), "chiccos"(3), "sketchy"(3), ...

Recently found popular words
  Word First used by At
1 "jedward"(7) Smesh 7.5 12:12
2 "stimulus"(12) beach 16.4 10:53
3 "craptop"(6) webvictim 7.4 13:51
4 "Whybrow"(4) Kane1|Aweh 8.4 10:48
5 "buzzsaw"(6) RandomYr12girl 29.6 13:32
6 "vuvuzelas"(6) Smesh 22.6 19:33
7 "beardyman"(8) Chu3y^afk 11.5 23:56
8 "repulsive"(4) Phil^ 12.4 13:27
9 "LARPING"(5) kovah 7.4 18:33
10 "lergies"(5) triobot 4.6 8:38

Special words by time of day
  Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12 Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24
1"magebane"(10)"nutella"(103) "BEAKERS"(32)"pinball"(210)
2"hammock"(3)"talkies"(7) "hometime"(39)"buzzcocks"(66)
3"Coltaine"(16)"wagging"(4) "autocad"(65)"ringers"(61)
4"immerse"(4)"Eurostar"(7) "wikihow"(12)"lalalala"(35)
5"sheeple"(3)"handler"(7) "sunbathe"(13)"antiques"(41)
6"dizziness"(8)"beach-3"(17) "unaimed"(14)"Legolas"(62)
7"landlady"(3)"rebrand"(3) "villager"(14)"/notice"(24)
8"fillion"(3)"heatbag"(5) "cleanin"(48)"shootin"(24)
9"Morfee"(17)"Kloopy-7"(42) "naptime"(12)"clubbin"(14)
10"Mohinder"(3)"mcflyday"(7) "measles"(13)"seaside"(23)

Special words by day of week
  Monday Tuesday -
Friday Saturday -
1"buzzsaw"(6)"motivate"(16) "Markb-3"(20)"antiques"(41)
2"manwhore"(7)"senegal"(20) "cockwand"(3)"montoya"(38)
3"Outward"(3)"trailers"(19) "*mumble*"(28)"scrapheap"(101)
4"sleeeep"(3)"organic"(18) "hendrie"(15)"mojitos"(9)
5"Salifou"(6)"martial"(18) "take-away"(6)"tenancy"(10)
6"reloads"(3)"neopets"(24) "drought"(6)"blindness"(14)
7"bailout"(3)"Belinda"(20) "fromage"(24)"roadshow"(38)
8"random*"(3)"selecta"(18) "misspell"(3)"breaded"(15)
9"Halibut"(5)"hotpants"(13) "slicing"(4)"pickers"(8)
10"from/to"(3)"wikihow"(12) "06PRieST"(36)"thurman"(7)

URL Tracking

20 latest URLs from #invaders

At URL Nick
Today 1:50http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=webvictim
 First mentioned by Chu^afk on Today 0:53. Used 3 times.
Yesterday 22:44mumble-3.verygames.net:51448
 First mentioned by Fluffeh on 28.7.2009. Used 817 times.
 First mentioned by morf on Yesterday 21:52.
 First mentioned by triobot on Yesterday 19:42.
 First mentioned by Mushroom on 7.1. Used 3 times.
 First mentioned by botsworth on Yesterday 12:11. Used 3 times.

Most popular URLs
  URL Count First used by
1http://tv.igoe.me.uk 2722Mit8.11.2004 23:00
2http://www.smesh.co.uk/invaders/stats/invaders.html 1207Fluffeh8.6.2004 18:33
3mumble-3.verygames.net:51448 817Fluffeh28.7.2009 20:24
4inv.hlstatsx.com 200fallen_tree13.8.2009 22:30
5bash.org 125arcanine19.6.2003 21:05
6www.planetarion.com 61Frozen_Fighter21.5.2001 21:39
7www.smesh.co.uk 57Smesh|away6.2.2004 20:49
8http://kloopy.com/k-14322 54kzen9.7.2009 12:30
9http://www.netgamers.org/ 49Smesh|away2.10.2002 10:45
10www.play.com 48Jimbaloo24.10.2003 23:58
11www.google.com 48Smesh3.6.2001 20:10
12http://www25.brinkster.com/smesh/invaders/invade... 46Smesh19.2.2002 0:32
13TrustNet.de.irc.planetarion.com 34FluffyBot23.12.2001 18:43
14www.irc.planetarion.com 32Smesh26.4.2001 20:43
15http://www.starsphere.net/ 31TheRealSlimFod3.1.2002 14:45
16CNN.com 30Fluff`v220.7.2002 2:39
17mumble-3.verygames.net 29Smesh|Laptop22.7.2009 19:39
18http://www.mibbit.com/ 26MIA22.7.2008 10:31
19deathace.uk.irc.planetarion.com 26TheRealSlimFod1.1.2002 23:18
20firefly.no.eu.netgamers.org 24Mit31.10.2002 0:48

20 random URLs
At URL First used by
30.6 12:53http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VRr9NG7RE0triobot
12.4 16:45http://google.com/search?q=define%3Avertexkzen
29.3 23:17http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E91dPk3gs_oruffles
10.3 8:51http://gallery.me.com/markbuk08/100008/New%20desk
 Used 2 times.
21.1 19:18http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs258.ash1/18560_29661494072...webvictim
12.6.2009 9:15http://www.mibbit.com/pb/LcKckdMorf`Work
19.5.2009 21:22http://etf2l.org/2009/05/17/sniper-cup-details-fun-cups-end-schedule-reminders...
 Used 2 times.
6.5.2009 16:59http://www.bash.org/?15826Fluffeh
26.1.2009 20:57http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r8/kjell418/Comics/common-dignity.gifPhillehC
17.12.2007 17:07http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7147715.stmSmesh|Work
12.8.2005 1:35http://www.dvdtalk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=433774notsleepingbeck
16.2.2005 19:25dsl-80-41-127-127.access.as9105.comStats
4.11.2004 22:05battlebot.co.ukStats
22.10.2004 22:42http://homepage.ntlworld.com/neil.richardson40/Boots.jpg
 Used 2 times.
24.9.2004 23:51www.plasmenai.co.uk/LAD
15.7.2004 3:19www.dawnofmyth.neterebus
11.11.2003 22:40www.igoe.comJimbaloo
30.8.2003 0:07http://bash.org/?9081
 Used 3 times.
20.7.2003 2:55http://www.pilkara.com/parsers.php?scanid=368068026Cre
30.12.2001 20:56http://www.funny-funny-pictures.com
 Used 2 times.

14521 unique URLs collected since 25.4.2001

#invaders relation map

#invaders relation map generated by mIRCStats v1.22
• Line thickness corresponds to the relation strength
• Line colors show the relation importance for each nick
  More important           Less important

The battle of the sexes on #invaders

  Gender Lines Written Nicks
1 Boys 1800909 Fluffeh(19.1%), Smesh(16.3%), Chu3y^afk(7.29%), morf(6.25%), ...
2 Girls 122333 RandomYr12girl(39.7%), Wol(37.1%), H0lly(23.2%)

Accuracy of this section is only 79.7%

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mIRCStats v1.22 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen